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Email Swipes (Select and Copy)
Swipe #1

SL: No more BAD alcohol advice (try THIS)
SL: Eight out of ten people can’t control their drinking
SL: Enjoy alcohol on YOUR terms
SL: Simple tools so you can be in control of your drinking


Most alcohol programs focus on you stopping drinking completely. 

But what if you just want to be in control of your drinking…

While still enjoying a glass of wine or a cocktail with friends? 

The simple tools you need to be in total control of your drinking

Stopping completely isn’t realistic for most people. 

So they’re doing this instead. 

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Swipe #2

SL: I tried to quit drinking and couldn’t 
SL: I enjoy alcohol on MY terms
SL: Stopping drinking isn’t realistic


I tried to cut down on alcohol and realized I couldn’t.

I felt bad… ashamed… guilty. 

I’d just binge, and go months without even trying to stop. 

Then I found out that quitting alcohol 100% wasn’t my only option

That I could be in full control of how much I drink. Without guilt or shame. 

No more quitting - binging - quitting. 

Now I enjoy alcohol on MY terms. 

And I’m finally relaxed and able to take care of myself. 

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Swipe #3

SL: I Can Enjoy Drinking Again – Without Attending A 12-Step Program!


Do you love alcohol – 

And know it’s time to drink less…

Well, you don’t have to quit drinking…

(Like they say)

Or spend crazy amounts of money and time at a therapist’s office…

Because the Drink Less in 7 Days Program will train your brain –

To enjoy alcohol again, in the right amount for you…

(Guaranteed or your money back)

Click here to see if 7 Days to Drink Less is right for you!

[sign off]
Swipe #4

SL: Overdoing It? Try The Drink Less Challenge! (For 7 Days)


Friends and family telling you to drink less – But it’s not so easy…

You laugh it off…

Yet secretly wonder if you are overdoing it.

After 22 years, and a 97% success rate – This unique method is just now getting
attention in the US!

It’s the safe and easy way – to get the Beer and Wine Police off your back!

Click here to see if 7 Days to Drink Less is right for you!

[sign off]
Swipe #5

SL: I Drank Too Much and Woke Up in Bed with My Boss 

(Possible) From: Alcohol Lover


Hello NAME, 

The craziest things can happen when you drink too much…

Kylie’s not an alcoholic…

Yet when she woke up in her boss’ bed – She knew she was drinking too much!

But she didn’t want to give up her wine…

Then she saw a world-renowned hypnotherapist on TV… 

Where she learned about a NEW way to drink less in only 7-days.

(Without a 12-step program, or expensive therapy!)

And now Kylie is happier AND drinks less.

“Not only did it save my marriage, it helped me realize I had been overdrinking because I didn’t feel I had self-worth.” – Kylie

If you’re a lover of alcohol – and you know it’s time to drink less…

Click here to see if 7 Days to Drink Less is right for you!

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Email Swipes (Select and Copy)

SUBJECT: Worried you might drink too much this Christmas? 


We know the Christmas office parties, social gatherings and generally having fun can lead to drinking just a little bit more than we normally do…and that’s okay!
The problem is drinking like this puts on weight, can increase anxiety and sad but true, makes us often behave in ways that embarrasses us with the excuse ‘It’s just Christmas time!’

For over 25 years Georgia Foster, an alcohol reduction expert has been in the forefront helping heavy drinkers drink less and after being a bit of a party girl herself she truly ‘get’s the issue!

Georgia is here to give you some top tips to help you through this boozy time of the year so you can come out the other side in January 2020 without the booze belly and more importantly remembering conversations while still enjoying what you drink!

1. Hydrate yourself before your first alcoholic drink. The first drink tends to go down quick because we are thirsty!

2. Practice the DOWO principal…Drink One Water One, taking a little sip of water between each alcoholic drink will keep you hydrated and slow your drinking down.

3. Avoid cocktails where you don’t know the alcohol content. Stick to what you know, so you know what you are drinking and there will be less surprises in the morning!

4. Be Strong and don’t be coerced into drinking when you don’t want to. You don’t need to drink to belong or to feel you will be liked more.

5. Opposite hand drinking, use your non-dominant hand. It will feel slightly uncomfortable which means you will be more conscious of each sip.

6. Savour each sip, set a goal to time each drink you have, so that you can pace what you drink without feeling like you are being a party pooper.

7. Teetotal friends can show you how to go out and socialise and still enjoy the party without having to drink a lot, so hang out with them more!

8. White lies, its ok sometimes to hide the fact you don’t want to drink as much as others. Tell the heavy drinkers around you that are you are the designated driver or you have such a hangover from last night and feeling a bit rough…whatever you need to get you through is ok.

9. Fake it, pretend you are drinking alcohol when you are not. Grab some club soda with ice and lime and get your party shoes on!

If you want to discover how to drink less and still enjoy the party season this year, Georgia has a 7 day program to help you get into the right drinking space NOW and enjoy Christmas without the dreaded hangovers!


SUBJECT: Worried about drinking too much over Christmas?


Let’s face it... many drinkers can over indulge with the booze at Christmas. It’s just part of the tradition this time of year. 

But maybe there is a part of you that doesn’t like drinking too much and wants to enjoy this Christmas with less booze in your belly?

Like my friend Georgia who knew she was drinking too much and used to dread Christmas.

Here is her story:

My name is Georgia and I was a nightmare when I drank!

I spent way too many days with horrible hangovers, memory loss and family and friends recounting my embarrassing behaviour!

I needed to find a way to manage my alcohol rather than it manage me. After many years of tireless research, re-training, I came up with a solution based system so I don’t have those embarrassing moments anymore!  

And the good news is… I still drink and enjoy it and now I love Christmas time too.
I understand people think there’s only one way to deal with a drinking problem, i.e. stand up in a room full of strangers, tell them you have a problem, and then vow that you’ll never drink again for the rest of your life.

I wasn’t one of those people and most of us aren’t either BUT sometimes we just need a little help and that’s why I created 7 Days to Drink Less.

With my guidance, you can take back control of your drinking life that doesn’t involve delving deep into your past, spending years in therapy, or sticking to non-alcoholic drinks.

The truth is that you don’t need to write off booze completely…

You simply need to change your relationship with alcohol!

It does not matter if you are a stay at home Mom or Dad, a stressed executive or a builder, this life changing system is for YOU!

Through my own issues and journey, I subsequently created 7 Days to Drink Less and I’ve helped people all over the world discover how to drink less alcohol without having to quit!

Trying to outright resist something only leads to stronger temptation and the answer is never to just ignore it.

Rather than just deleting alcohol from your life, you’ll discover how to build a completely new relationship with alcohol.

So if you fancy enjoying this Christmas with a glass or two in your hand without the guilt, the shame and the hangovers but still enjoy what you drink 7 Days To Drink Less is your PERFECT SOLUTION!

Are you ready for a way to cut down your drinking NOW ready for Christmas that doesn’t include guilt trips, interventions, and weekly meetings, not to mention the excess belly fat from excessive calories from alcohol?

Discover how to drink less over Christmas NOW!


SUBJECT: How to Eat, drink and party this Christmas AND still lose weight!


If you like to party and have a few wines, beers or whatever you like to drink but are looking to lose those few stubborn pounds of belly fat before Christmas... then this little known approach is PERFECT for YOU!
The truth is those extra glasses of alcohol are full of empty calories and those empty calories are bursting to be filled with food. Munching on chips or nuts whilst grabbing a beer or nibbling at cheese with a glass of wine in hand may be pleasurable, but it comes with unwanted side effects, such as increased calorie intake and weight gain!
Typically, the more you drink, the more you crave carbs. It becomes a vicious cycle and before you know it the pounds are piling on with all the festive celebrations.
Recent research suggests that alcohol might stimulate nerve cells in the brain's hypothalamus that increase appetite. Which makes complete sense as to why people tend to overeat when they drink alcohol!
I recently met an Australian women who has developed a fool proof way of drinking over the festive season without over-doing it and not only that, it hinders the overeating cycle too!
The program is called 7 Days To Drink Less and its been hailed as the first of it’s kind and has been featured in Good Housekeeping, Psychologies Magazine, Sky News and many more publications because it gets AMAZING QUICK RESULTS!
Statistics show men and women who do follow the program, typically see their alcohol consumption drop by 50%! So a win, win situation. Less alcohol, less munchies, less calories, less weight!
Discover how to drink less right NOW and enjoy Christmas so much more!


SUBJECT: Thinking about having a Dry January? Maybe think again!


You may have woken up this morning with a sore head and vowed never to drink again!

You may be thinking about doing Dry January and that in itself is not a bad thing, but what happens after that?

The truth is it’s quite easy to be teetotal for a month and get into the swing of ‘not drinking’ but then we tend to go back to the default over-drinking in February. This frustrates a lot of drinkers because they don’t understand why they are not drinking less after a month of abstaining!

So, if you are feeling boozed up and bloated from all the over-indulgence that the festive period brings and want to gain some sort of control with your drinking then 7 Days to Drink Less is the perfect solution!

The good news is you don’t have to quit drinking altogether for it to work!

YOU can make some dramatic changes that will make you feel like new, because it’s not just about drinking less, it’s also about:

 - Sleep better
 - More money in your pocket
 - Losing weight (just from cutting down on the booze)
 - Clearer skin
 - Better sober self esteem
 - Healthy sober coping strategies

Discover how to drink less now!


SUBJECT: I’m sick of being told to quit drinking, are you?


Many men and women have great plans to decide to not drink for the month of January because of the over indulgence and the weight gain over Christmas. And it’s a great idea but… statistically most heavy drinkers default to their old drinking ways after abstaining for the month. 

Like my friend Georgia who knew she was drinking too much and used to dread Christmas. This was not just because she put on a lot of weight from wine calories but because she just couldn’t figure out how to drink less without the dreaded willpower!

Some 22 years on, Georgia has created a system that defies what traditional approaches believe in...

Here is her story:

My name is Georgia and I was a nightmare when I drank!

Most people think there’s only one way to deal with a drinking problem, i.e. stand up in a room full of strangers, tell them you have a problem, and then vow that you’ll never drink again for the rest of your life.

I wasn’t one of those people and most of us aren’t either BUT sometimes we just need a little help and that’s why I created 7 Days to Drink Less.

With my guidance, you can take back control of your life and it doesn’t involve delving deep into your past, spending years in therapy, or sticking to non-alcoholic drinks.

The truth is that you don’t need to write off booze completely…

You simply need to change your relationship with alcohol!

It does not matter if you are a stay at home Mom or Dad, a stressed executive or a builder, this life changing system is for YOU!

After my own issues and journey and therefore subsequent creation of 7 Days to Drink Less, I’ve helped people all over the world discover how to drink less alcohol without having to quit!

Trying to outright resist something only leads to stronger temptation and the answer is never to just ignore it.

Rather than just deleting alcohol from your life, you’ll discover how to build a completely new relationship with alcohol.

Are you ready for a way to cut down your drinking that doesn’t include guilt trips, interventions, and weekly meetings?

Click here now!


SUBJECT: Lose your Booze Belly without having to quit drinking!


Are your calories coming more from alcohol than food?
The truth is those extra glasses of alcohol are full of empty calories and those empty calories are bursting to be filled with food.  
Typically, the more you drink, the more you crave carbs. It becomes a vicious cycle and before you know it the pounds are piling on.
Recent research suggests that alcohol might stimulate nerve cells in the brain's hypothalamus that increase appetite. Which makes complete sense as to why people tend to overeat when they drink alcohol!
I recently met an Australian women who has developed a fool proof way of drinking without over-doing it and not only that, it hinders the overeating cycle too!
The program is called 7 Days To Drink Less and its been hailed as the first of it’s kind and has been featured in Good Housekeeping, Psychologies Magazine, Sky News and many more publications because it gets AMAZING QUICK RESULTS!
Statistics show men and women who do follow the program, typically see their alcohol consumption drop by 50%! So a win, win situation. Less alcohol, less munchies, less calories, less weight!

7 Days to Drink Less Email Swipes (Select and Copy)
Swipe #1

SL: Meet The Wine Loving Aussie who drinks all summer without gaining weight

SL: Lose the booze belly this summer without having to stop drinking!


Imagine this summer drinking your favorite tipple without gaining weight…

And your friends slyly looking at you… Secretly wondering how you did it…

If you are concerned about gaining weight from the booze… but abstaining isn’t your plan…

I’d like to introduce you to an Aussie woman who can show you how to drink less in just 7 days without anybody knowing!

And even better… without having to quit!

So if you fancy a fun summer without that extra tyre around your waist, as well as the hangovers, memory loss and embarrassing booze related stories…

>>>>> Click here <<<<<
Swipe #2

SL: Meet the Wine Loving Aussie who drinks all summer without hangovers

SL: 7 Secrets to drinking less alcohol this summer

SL: 7 Secrets to drinking less this summer without having to quit!



Imagine seeing yourself naturally drinking less this summer…

And your friends slyly looking at you… wondering what your secret is…

So if you are concerned about how much you drink… but abstaining isn’t your plan…

I’d like to introduce you to an Aussie woman who can show you how to drink less in just 7 days without anybody knowing!

And even better… without having to quit!

So if you fancy a fun summer without the hangovers, memory loss and embarrassing booze related stories…

While still enjoying your beer, wine or cocktails

>>>>> Click here <<<<<
Swipe #3

SL: The 55 year old Aussie who tricked her mind into drinking less


There is a saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!”

I can prove to you this is not true.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been drinking too much nor how much you have been drinking over the years…

There is a new highly successful method from an Aussie woman who has debunked the myth that over-drinkers have to quit…

Can you imagine this summer drinking your favorite tipple without the guilt, the shame, the memory loss and regrets the next day...

>>>>> Click here <<<<<
Swipe Option #1 AA 

SL: Drinking too much? Don’t feel you belong in AA?

Are you secretly worried that you may need to go to AA or abstain from alcohol completely… but don’t truly want to?

Maybe you have thought to yourself, ‘If only there was a quick, simple and painless method to drink less without having to quit or go to any meetings at all...'


At long last there is this exact program that worried drinkers have been looking for!

It’s NOT found in rehab, and it’s not found in your local doctors office either.

It’s found right here!

The truth is, the 12-step program isn’t for everyone because it puts all drinkers into a one-size-fits-all box.

We know there’s a way that gets results fast. And remember, it’s only found here!

This tried and tested method is fully downloadable, so you can use it in the privacy of your own space, whenever you have a moment for yourself.

For many years this bona fide approach has been regularly in the media in the UK and Australia for it’s staggering results, and now it’s available for Americans too!

It has a 5 star rating and a 97% success rate!

Just imagine...in 7 days you can be naturally drinking less and that means no more regular hangovers, no more guilt, and no more angst.

What will your life look like in 7 days?

You can decide right now by clicking here.

Swipe Option #2 Kylie

SL: If you know you need to cut back on your drinking, but just don’t know how…
SL: Concerned about your drinking habits?
SL: Drinking too much, but don’t want to stop?


You’re not alone.

“Why do I do this to myself!”

“Why do I keep doing this insane drinking behaviour that I know is so destructive?”

“How many more times am I going to repeat this out of control drinking!”

These are the thoughts that infiltrated Kylie’s mind one morning after waking up in a bed she didn’t belong in...unsure of how she got there.

Her head felt like it was being split apart as she forced her eyes open, searching for clues that would help piece together her foggy recollection of events from the night before.

She had drank too much…


….and was dreading the consequences it would mean for her marriage, her kids and her career.

If Kylie’s experience sounds familiar, you may also think the only solution is to QUIT drinking altogether.

Even though she felt ashamed and wished she could make a change, she just couldn’t wrap her head around going to rehab, addiction detox clinics or facing years of therapy.

“...I knew I had to do something about my drinking. I just couldn’t put it off anymore…

It was the most terrifying thought ...imagining my life without my delicious wine.”
Until one day, fate stepped in...

Kylie turned on the morning news and saw a woman talking about a new method that was helping people drink less - in just 7 days.

Click here to discover the online program guaranteed to reduce your alcohol consumption - 7 Days to Drink Less!

“I owe my sanity to Georgia Foster’s approach.

Not only did it save my marriage, it helped me realize my relationship with alcohol was down to anxiety and low self worth…

And that I could learn to drink less WITHOUT the guilt and the shame or feeling there was something wrong with me.”

Kylie knew that her drinking was emotionally charged...

...if only she had the tools to cope with her insecurities without relying on willpower, she could be a healthy drinker…

...like so many others have achieved with the help of Georgia’s discrete, online program.

If you know you need to cut back, but still want to enjoy a drink or two now and again…

Then click HERE to join Kylie and hundreds of thousands others in becoming a confident, moderate drinker - back in control of your own life in just 7 days!


SUBJECT: How to cut down your drinking without cutting it out for good
ALT SUBJECT: Tired of being preached to about your drinking? Try this...

Change Your Relationship With Alcohol And Change The World Around You 


Most people think there’s only 1 way to deal with a drinking problem...

Stand up in a room full of strangers, tell them you have a problem, and then vow that you’ll never drink again for the rest of your life.

But what about the rest of us?

Those of us who don’t want to write off booze completely, but would like to get a handle on how often things get out of control.

Imagine, no more wasted Saturday and Sunday mornings spent in bed feeling sorry for yourself…

No more weeknights where 1 drink turns into many and you’re getting home in the wee hours of the morning...

No more feeling guilt about just how much money you spent on drinks the night before...

Well the good news is that there is a way, and I promise you it doesn’t involve delving deep into your past, spending years in therapy, or sticking to non-alcoholic drinks.

The truth is that you don’t need to write off booze completely, you simply need to change your relationship with alcohol.

Easier said than done right?

But, I’ve helped people all over the world discover how to drink less alcohol without having to quit and here’s the #1 secret I share with all of them…

Your drinking has NOTHING to do with willpower!

It’s true!

Trying to outright resist something only leads to stronger temptation and the answer is never to just ignore it.

Instead, you need what I call an Effective Alcohol Reduction Strategy.

It has nothing to do with going on months long detoxes to “prove” to yourself you can quit.

It’s not about 12 steps and “working” a program forever...

And it’s certainly not about letting others shame you into giving up something you enjoy (trust me, they’re not so perfect either!)
Instead it’s a proven and simple step by step process that will that will STOP you feeling guilty and embarrassed about your drinking, and give you an easy way to cut it back without cutting it out.

Inside this process I will show you a powerful and lasting technique that addresses the core of heavy, habitual drinking - without you ever having to step foot in a meeting or admit that you’ve got a “problem”.

Think about it, thousands of people are overweight because they eat just a little bit more food than they should.

Do we shame them into weekly programs and tell them they need to quit eating forever?

No! Most people who want to lose weight simply get with an effective program that shows them how to change their relationship with food.
The same is possible with alcohol.

Once you’ve seen this strategy it’s like a weight literally has been released from your mind and body.

Rather than just deleting alcohol from your life you’ll learn to build a completely new relationship with alcohol.

Are you ready for a way to cut down your drinking that doesn’t include guilt trips, interventions, and weekly meetings?

Click here to see the system


SUBJECT: How to cut down your drinking without cutting it out for good
ALT SUBJECT: Tired of being preached to about your drinking? Try this...


Most people think there’s only 1 way to deal with a drinking problem...

Stand up in a room full of strangers, tell them you have a problem, and then vow that you’ll never drink again for the rest of your life.

But what if there was an easier way to simply cut down on your drinking instead of cutting it out completely?

Well the good news is that there is a way, and I promise you it doesn’t involve delving deep into your past, spending years in therapy, or sticking to non-alcoholic drinks.

Instead I’ve developed a proven and simple step by step process that will that will STOP you feeling guilty and embarrassed about your drinking, and give you an easy way to cut it back without cutting it out.

Inside this process I will show you a powerful and lasting technique that addresses the core of heavy, habitual drinking - without you ever having to step foot in a meeting or admit that you’ve got a “problem”.

I’ve helped people all over the world discover how to drink less alcohol without having to quit and here’s the #1 secret I share with all of them…


P.S. Once you’ve seen this strategy it’s like a weight literally has been released from your mind and body.
But I must warn you, it’s not conventional. If you’re tired of being “preached” to about your drinking, here’s how to grab control over it.
Swipe Option #3 Booze Belly

SL: Tired of the Booze Belly and drinking too much?


Want to drink less alcohol but can’t seem to?

You are not alone.

“I’d promised myself I wouldn’t drink too much that night … BIG MISTAKE! I woke up the next morning feeling hungover, anxious and guilty about the empty calories I consumed. I don’t want to quit drinking but don’t know what else to do!”

Sound familiar?

If you need to cut back on your alcohol consumption but just don’t know how…. in just 25 minutes you could be on your way to drinking less - irrespective of your drinking history.

Stop the alcohol cravings and reduce your booze belly now - without anybody having to know how you are achieving it!

No more shame or feeling there is something wrong with you (because there is nothing wrong with you!)

Create The Drink Less Mind habit in the privacy of your own home.
Reduce your alcohol consumption by up to 50% and watch the pounds melt away without willpower.

As featured in Good Housekeeping, Psychologies Magazine, The Telegraph, The Morning Show just to name a few.

Click HERE to discover how you can take your first steps toward being healthy, happy, and back in control of your life by learning to drink less alcohol NOW!

Swipe Option #4 Drink Less

SL: Worried about how much you drink but can’t seem to cut back?


Many people are secretly worried about how much they drink and believe they may have to quit completely, but…

…maybe there is another way.

If you are tired of being on the drinking too much treadmill and want to get off there is a solution!

Click HERE to discover how to Drink Less in 7 Days!

100% GUARANTEED to reduce your alcohol consumption by up to 50% in one week or less (even if you have been a heavy drinker all your life!)

A tried and tested 7 day fully downloadable program is waiting for you.

No more shame, guilt or anxiety about drinking too much.

Kiss your alcohol cravings and lack of willpower goodbye.

The good news is, NO ONE needs to know about your journey!

Even better, in just 25 minutes you will be on your way to drinking less or your money back.

As featured in Good Housekeeping, Psychologies Magazine, The Telegraph, The Morning Show just to name a few.
Click HERE to discover what hundreds of thousands of others did to take their first step towards being healthy, happy, and back in control of their life by learning to drink less alcohol NOW!

Swipe Option #5 Frank Sinatra

SL: Frank Sinatra and The Booze…
SL: The secret danger living in your own home
SL: Worried that you might be drinking too much?
SL: Worried that you’ve had “one too many”?



Worried you’ve been partying like a celebrity a bit too much?
Frank Sinatra was once quoted saying ‘I feel sorry for people who don’t drink, because when they wake in the morning, that is as good as it’s gonna get all day!’

I love that quote.

...But it’s a slippery slope - to the point where your alcohol consumption is managing you...rather than the other way around.

This doesn’t always mean you’re an alcoholic.

It just means you can develop the tools within yourself that will allow you to keep it from getting out of hand, and affecting your life in negative ways such as:

A growing booze belly
Strained relationships with your loved ones
Inability to focus and be productive at work
Guilt and shame
Trouble sleeping
To discover how you can overcome your drinking habits without relying on willpower….

Click Here

One quarter of Americans are drinking to unhealthy levels, and it’s getting worse!

The TRUTH IS… most heavy drinking is done at home not in bars.
The sort of drinking that goes under the radar because you don’t have to drive or be responsible.

And let’s face it, at the end of your day, you're tired and drinking is a way to take to edge off!

Discover a method right here TODAY that goes against what many doctors have told you.

And I bet they’ve told you that you either need to quit completely (which you really don’t want to do)


To 'Just cut back a little'…

Easier said than done, isn’t it?

TODAY is your day to overturn the old fashioned and unsuccessful methods of alcohol reduction and start getting results FAST in less than 7 days!


You won’t have to go into long term therapy or tell your family and friends you are worried.

Because let’s face it - telling others is humiliating and often makes the drinking worse!

You can drink less in just 7 Days or less without willpower and without the guilt and angst that you’ve been dealing with.


Swipe Option #6 Mum’s and Dad’s

SL: Mom’s and Dad’s are secretly worried about how much they drink…
SL: The truth about alcohol…
SL: In home drink-less therapy

This is crazy...

One quarter of Americans drink to unhealthy levels.

If you think most of these people are college students…

Or alcoholics...

You’d be wrong.

The majority of these drinkers are stressed out parents, 
homemakers and empty nesters!

The TRUTH IS… the majority of heavy drinking is done at home not in bars.

You know what I mean… when the kids are tucked up in bed, and the stress of the day gets the better of you…

Or when the kids are out at college, and without a sense of purpose, you drink to fill the time...

And it makes perfect sense too.

You’ve worked hard your whole life, and now it’s your time.

However, slowly but surely…

One glass turns to two…

Two turns to four…

And before you know it, you’re done with a bottle of wine before you even have dinner.

In your head, you probably hear ‘Maybe I need to cut back’, but the truth is really scary and hard to admit…

You want to cut back, but you can’t.

If you’ve ever felt that way, chances are someone has told you about Alcoholics Anonymous or therapy, or rehab.

All of those are great options for serious alcoholics…

But, if that’s not you - if you’re not drinking 16 hours a day, if you’re not destitute and demoralized…

And you just want a little more control...

There is a way.

Discover a method to reducing alcohol consumption in just 7 days or less without willpower and without having to tell anyone!

Click here to see this radical new at-home treatment from my friend, Georgia Foster.

Don’t want to quit drinking altogether?

Good. Her program isn’t about abstinence, it’s about reduction - giving you control over how much you drink.

Unlike most treatments, you’ll be able to go out and have a few drinks without losing control.

If that sounds like the solution for you, then click here to start enjoying a few drinks, guilt-free, in just 7 days!

Swipe Option #7 Recycling Bin

SL: Embarrassed about the bottles in your recycling bin?
SL: This secret American epidemic will shock you…
SL: The brown bottle flu epidemic



There is a secret epidemic running through the veins of Americans that is overtaking their lives in detrimental ways.

Every day, more and more men and women are experiencing the harsh and expensive health effects…

My Mom called it the “Brown Bottle Flu”.

Yes, alcohol is being consumed too much and too often across the country.

And I’m not talking brown paper bags and park benches. In fact, it’s the complete opposite!

The type of concerning drinking is in the home...

By hard working, successful Americans who use alcohol to relieve their stresses…

….whether financial, emotional, or just to blow off some steam.
Americans who know that there’s a healthier way to live, a better example that can be set for their loved ones...

They don’t want to stop drinking!

But at the same time, most people just don’t know how to cut back.

To Drink Less in just 7 Days...Click HERE!

If you are secretly worried about your drinking, but don’t want to quit completely, discover the method that can help you drink less alcohol in 7 days or less!

A method so revolutionary it is taking America by storm because it works FAST and doesn’t involve long term therapy, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home!

Click here to find out more

Swipe Option #8 Saving Money

SL: The price we pay for drinking too much
SL: Hangovers - A laughing matter?
SL: How much does drinking really cost you?



If you’ve ever had too much to drink, you know a certain feeling…

You wake up disoriented, groggy, sick to your stomach…

Maybe a little shaky, nauseous…

A cup of coffee, a few aspirin, and about 24 hours will make all that go away.

But, behind the scenes…

Your liver is falling apart.

Actually, if you do a quick search for “alcohol damaged liver” you’ll see it’s probably worse than you think.

But the liver is a remarkable organ...

Most incredibly, your liver can heal itself with time, just like your skin!

According to the University of Iowa, your liver can completely repair damaged areas within 30 days!

And if you’re worried about your liver, or your health…

Or if you’re just worried about how much money you spend on wine or beer…

Think about this:

Having just 2 fewer glasses of wine or beer each night can save you over $4000 a year!

That’s not even factoring in the cost of doctor’s visits or expensive surgeries!

So, if you're worried how much money you spend on alcohol and feel guilty about it...


You want to reduce how much you drink, without quitting, but you don’t know how…

Click here to discover a method that will help you drink less alcohol in just 7 days or less!

A method so revolutionary it is taking America by storm because it works FAST and doesn’t involve long term therapy or telling anyone!

Best of all, this program doesn’t rely on willpower or abstinence!
If you’re worried that you don’t have what it takes to reduce your drinking, don’t be!

Click here to find out more.

You’ll be happy you did.

Swipe Option #9 Weight Loss

SL: Wave goodbye to the Booze Belly!


Hi [NAME],

Did you know if you change just how much you drink, you will lose weight naturally but more importantly feel better than you have in years!  

Return to sleeping like a baby AND save thousands of dollars, just by doing this one thing!

Just by following this program, your bloated booze face will disappear and your skin will re-discover its glow. Even better the bags under your eyes will disappear with this EASY no stress 7 Day alcohol reduction program that is getting incredible results fast! 

And do you know the best thing…. All of your friends and family will be saying ‘You look AMAZING! What is your secret?’

And that’s just between us… Nobody has to know…. unless you want them!

Imagine rediscovering your waistline just by simply drinking less alcohol?

Imagine less hangovers, so you don’t carb crave in the morning to soak up the excess wine, beer or whatever it is you like to drink.

FACT: People who drink alcohol in healthier ways, have less food cravings and manage their weight much better.

Because let’s face it, the alcohol belly is seriously not attractive at all!

Join the Middle Ground DRINKING REVOLUTION and those who are claiming it’s a REVELATION!

Click here to discover how you can drink less and lose weight without willpower!


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